Monday, 28 September 2009


If anyone out there is actually reading this you may notice I've changed a couple of things. I'm trying to change my thought processes from keeping the weight off - which implies being scared I might put it back on - to staying slim, the things I need to do to ensure I continue to feel good about myself.

So instead of what I can't have and mustn't do I'm shifting the focus to what positive steps I can take to stay as I am now.

I don't think this necessarily changes the choices but it certainly changes the way you feel about the choices. "Can't" & "Musn't" will more than likely lead to feelings of deprivation, resentment and even defiance. Making the same choices but because they will enable you to carry on feeling as good as you do now even feels more positive just to say!

We can but try! :o)

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Great web site

Hi again!

I've just found this great web site - a really useful tool for anyone watching their weight - wanting to lose ... check it out! xx

Bit of a wobble

Hi Again :o)

I must say though I'm beginning to wonder what's going on with me and my eating habits. It's not just in work I eat things because they're there! When I got to Mum's this morning I cut a slice off a little tray of stuffing she had left over from her tea the other night (it was a portion of Sainsbury's pork, sage & onion from the hot food counter) I tore a little corner off a piece of bread while her toast was doing and I broke a tiny corner off one side of a custard cream .... I mean - I ask you - what's that about???? Crazy!

Still had breakie when I got home - and that was more than I needed considering I was going to bed.

Been in bed all day and when I got up I had the end off DH's chippie fish and about 4 or 5 chips Then I had a pear cut up with cottage cheese & pineapple and later a nectarine with ff fromage frais. Went to Mum's before work where I ended up polishing off the rest of that stuffing with a teaspoonful of light mayo. ...... **sigh**

I'm really hoping that I eventually settle into some sort of healthy eating pattern - this picking isn't good. I'm still hyper-vigilant (ie obsessive ;o) ) about everything that I eat, drink - think about eating & drinking, but than I suppose it's still early days. I'm not quite yet 4 months into the maintenance phase so I daresay a few wobbles are only to be expected xx

Friday, 25 September 2009

We're Baaaaaaaaaack!!! :o)

Well at last!!!

Here I am 31/2 weeks later .. sorry for the delay :o)

We had a FAB holiday. I was EXCELLENT - at first ....... I love all the greek food but initially I resisted the 'bread with everything' and the (gorgeous) oven potatoes but they gradually crept in as the time went on.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. In keeping with traditions of many years standing, we had (yes HAD) to have a bacon roll at the airport. There was ONE small difference to other years - I didn't have anything before we left the house - other years I would probably have had a piece of toast or something.

Before even getting that far though there was the first tradition of the vodka & diet cokes. Stemming back to my "there's no way I'm being enclosed in that metal box, shot up into the air and travelling at 500 miles an hour without being at least a LITTLE numb" days, we always take a couple of 500ml bottles of diet coke which have been fairly heavily laced with vodka to the airport. These USED to last us all the way through to departures and till just before we boarded. Now it's not OUR fault that we can no longer take liquids through security and therefore have to drink both of them in the check in queue now is it???!

So vodka and bacon butties consumed we only then had a packet of quavers each and shared a snack pack of fruit and nuts (you are what you eat ones) until we went out for our evening meal in Kefalonia because we didn't have meals on the plane. One GOOD thing to come out of having to pay for all the extras! We DID have some more vodka & cokes though ;o)

I'm not going to bore you with full details of everything consumed But basicaly it was fruit & yoghurt for breakfast, salad for lunch and a traditionally greek evening meal. Lots of wine and vodka too! I did have treats - twice we went to a certain place for certain cakes! I had a dessert twice and as I've said those gorgeous oven potatoes crept into the mix - as did the bread and lurpak patts.

By the last 3 days I could tell I'd gained something. I could still fasten everthing okay but there was a definite new 'muffin' forming :o(

I know better than to get weighed too soon after getting back because of the effect of the cabin pressure etc. This can take up to 4 or 5 days to alleviate itself so I got weighed - Oh about 3 hours after I walked in the house !!!!!!!!!! I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just couldn't NOT get on the scales - even though I KNEW they wouldn't make any kind of sense .... CRAZY!

So then I'm rationalising ..... well that's showing a HUGE gain ... hmmmmmm well it's night time (-2lbs), I'm dressed (-2lbs) there should be a few lbs of fluid (-3lbs?) hmmmmm so that leaves -about .... 7lbs :o(!!!

I didn't manage to get STRAIGHT back on track. I had a couple of not bad days followed by a couple of really AWFUL ones and then I did 2 days on total food replacement with some of the Lipotrim maintenance products. The first day was easy - the second I was really hungry. I went back to drinking loads of sparkling water too. By my official weigh-in last Monday (21st) I'd got the gain down to 1.4lbs which I was quite pleased with. This left me about 3lbs over where I want to be because if the little gain I had before we went away.

Since then I've been eating a lot of salads & veg with meat or (more often) fish. I haven't had much in the way of carbs except for breakfast when I've had either granola or weetabix. I had a few v&ds on Monday & tuesday night, I've been in work since. I'm experimenting with just bringing one 'meal' to work and nothing else. If I bring things to snack on 'just in case' I eat them whether I need them or not and the more I eat the more I want. It doesn't matter how 'healthy' they are, if I don't need them I shouldn't have them. If I can just have my salad or whatever it is that'll be a big help with the maintenence imho.

I have had a few spoonfuls of crumble & custard (weeeeeell would have been rude - homemade and all!!! ;o) ) However .... I had to go downstairs as soon as I woke this afternoon and as that's where the scales are I couldn't resist a little hop on and I've lost 2.8lbs since monday! Obviously I'm hoping it's not a 'blip' but I didn't think I'd been THAT good ..... It gave me a boost though - and added incentive not to 'pick'.

It's funny how the scales have the opposite effect to what you might expect isn't it? When I lose I'm filled with added incentive. When I gain I want to go and eat everything in sight!

Anyway - official weigh in next Monday and we'll see whether that was a 'blip' or not!

Sorry this is too long .. if you've stayed with it ... thanks ;o) xxx