Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Well blow me down!!

Who'd a thunk it?? Faced the music yesterday morning and I'd LOST 0.6lbs!!!

I DID try to do some compensating on Sunday but on the other hand we went out on Sunday night and I had a few voddies .... Thinking about it perhaps that meant i was a bit dehydrated yesterday morning. But even if that IS the reason I'd lost - I don't care. That little loss has given me a boost and motivated me with a light heart - not the heavy one I was expecting to have this week - to get on with eating 'properly'. Being sensible and having proper meals with all the food groups!

I've got about 4lbs to lose to get back to my comfort zone. This could take several weeks but I'm fine with that.

What I need to keep reminding myself is that everything I put in my mouth is a choice! Have to wonder though why sometimes the wise choices are so much harder than others! xx

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Out of control :o(

Oh Dear :o((((

The last 36 hrs or so have been a nightmare!

If it wasn't mouldy, nailed down or my own body part (hmmmm debatable!) I have eaten it! I've gone out of my way to buy stuff - chocolate mainly and eat it secretly (worst bit imo - the secretly) I'm not going to list everything. I've listed it on Minis if you really want to know. Although even there I've put 'more bread and more chocolate' and not owned up to the full amount.

I'm fairly confident it's over. However - how much damage it's done remains to be seen and I guess I'd better face this particular music on monday, even though I've said I only want to weigh once a fortnight now.

I have no real idea what started this off. I AM wondering whether the fact that I picked up a milky way in the newsagent's the other morning and then (proudly) put it back, meant that I unconsciously felt deprived and that was, again unconsciously, preying on my mind. If that's the case I'd have been better having the milky way. Perhaps that's where the saying 'a little of what you fancy does you good' comes from ...... 'a little of what you fancy stops you bingeing'!!!???!!!

Did the lack of milky way lead to the binge or would having the milky way have stared the binge earlier????? Next time maybe I'll have it and see. :o)

I'm not disgusted, annoyed, disappointed, frustrated, angry or whatever with myself ....... this is just another step in trying to sort out how I maintain and what goes on for me on that journey. All I am is 'sighing' that it's so hard and complicated!!

But I WILL get there!!! xx

Oh!! BTW - it's not a secret any more ... I came clean so at least that's something! xx

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Back home and back on track (hopefully ;o) )

Well it's been far too long since I caught up on here.

Been back from America for a week. Enjoyed it but don't want to go to Vegas again. I didn't really want to go this time but DH (darling husband) did and as he was paying ....... I don't really see the attraction in repeated visits. Once you've ooo-ed and ahhhh-ed at all the bright lights and recognised everything from the tv (ie CSI!) - unless you're a hardened gambler or are attracted to the other things on offer which are legal there (if ya know what I mean ;o) ) I don't understand the point. For me it was a case of 'been there, done that'.

However if enduring the - almost obscene in some cases - oppulence and the more sleazy side of LV was what I had to do to go to San Francisco then it was worth it. Now that IS a place I'd love to go back to. We only had 3 days and we fitted a lot in but it was whistle-stop. Fab Fab Fab place!

Food wise? I wasn't too bad - particularly for the first half, although we DID go to a couple - 3 I think, all you can eat buffets. I didn't go overboard, just had a little bit of everything I fancied - including the sweet things. But I'm talking about 1 profiterole, 1 miniature chocolate eclair - things like that - not HUGE platefuls of anything. In fact thinking about it I was quite controlled. I think I now feel I've just come too far to be stupid, stuff my face and probably make myself ill as well as piling on weight.

I took Lipotrim maintenance bars which I had every morning for breakfast.

We drank vodka in LV - except I had 1 VERY large margueritta. Anyone who's been will know - you just have to, lol!

In Frisco the Californian wine came into play (well it's only polite) - I've discovered I can really feel the difference when drinking wine to vodka. I feeeeel more full and bloated AND I get the munchies far more easily. I'm thinking this is probably all the sugar, though I don't know if that's scientific .... it's just how I feel about it. Strange really when you think I have LOTS of diet coke in vodka - logic would say that would bloat you more - but it doesn't seem to.

Foodwise in Frisco? We went to 'The Stinking Rose' which is a restaurant which serves food as a garnish to garlic. They do garlic wine, garlic ice cream .... need I say more? We had a starter of garlic cloves in olive oil which came in a little frying pan on a warmer and warm bread to spread (or squash!) them on. I then had garlic meatloaf with garlic mash - gorgeous but WAAAAY too much, I must have left half. DH had a lamb shank studded with garlic cloves. I'd say we stank - and we probably did, but we couldn't smell it so we were alright! Lol!

We had a chinese in chinatown another night - just one course and some wine and we ate in the hotel on the last night - Indonesian fusion (?) - I had Lamb Tagine and didn't need to worry about getting fat on their portions!

I wasn't too great for a day or 2 after we got back either. I didn't manage to get straight back on track but I did rein it in a bit when I worked my 3 nights and managed to come in, at weigh-in on monday, with just a 1lb gain from before we went away. Of course I'm pleased with that. What it means is that I have a total of around 4lbs to shift to get back to where I want to be, which is around 10st 3-4lbs.

All in all I'm okay with that.

Went back to docs (again) - arm still bothering me a lot. Nothing showed up on xrays and blood tests apart from 'inflamation'. She has now given me some more tablets (to add to the others not instead of :o( ) and referred me for physio. She's thinking it may be something to do with the arthritis in my neck irritating or trapping a nerve. Tbh it hasn't been as bad for the last couple of days but I'm only cautiously optimistic as this happened when we were away. I thought it was getting better and then I woke up one morning right back to square one!

So I'm 5 months into maintenace now. This, together with Minimins.co.uk which I've told you about before, is really helping to keep me focussed and not allowing me to take my eye off the ball for more than a few days at a time.

I don't even know if anyone reads this. I'd like to think it might help someone, if not now then sometime off in the future but for now if it's only helping me ..... well so be it.

Toodles! :o) xx