Thursday, 29 October 2009

Still Playing Catch-Up!!

Hi There!
Well I was very disappointed with my weigh in before I went off to Wales on 19th! I showed a gain of 1.6lbs. I rationalised it with the fact that I was weighing after only 2.5hrs sleep so it couldn't really have been a true of the bigger picture over the week.

If I was disappointed then imagine how I felt when - after a week being really good despite being away AND when I'd got weighed the night before and by my calculations this morning that should have converted into a 2lb loss ... to only be 0.2lb less! Not happy is THE understatement. Consequently I'm having a bit of an eating crisis I'm afraid. I'm not going to list all I've had - although I probably should, OR the whys and wherefores of every morsel .... I don't want to make any negative associations.

So - once again I'm on the catch-up trail :o(

Makes me wonder if this is how naturally thin people maintain. Overindulging and then compensating or do they automatically curb their eating and therefore not do any 'damage' in the first place? It'd be interesting to understand what comes naturally.

On a lighter note - I had a FABULOUS time at my little retreat cottage in Montgomery. It was exactly what I needed. I had lots of long walks and did all the writing - (and therefore clearing of the head!) that I wanted to - and a bit more besides!

Now I'm looking forward to Las Vegas & San Francisco starting Monday! Can't believe I'll ever be ready but I'm sure I will.

Revisited GP re right hand/arm tonight. She doesn't think it's carpal tunnel as I did. She thinks it's tennis elbow (!!! I ASK you!!! :):)) I'm going for a blood test to rule out infection in the joint and an xray in the morning.

Just hope I can stay in control .... too long without sleep = very very weak willed.

Talk soon xx

Monday, 19 October 2009

I should have mentioned last night - the way I'm trying to pull back the gain I've had is by using the maintenance products twice a day as meal replacements, and having one light meal. Today though I'm using 3 maintenance products and having a couple of pieces of fruit. I think I've lost most of what I put on but I'll be weighing in 'officially' tomorrow.

As I'm going away though, I don't know if I'll have a chance to post but I'll try.

Hope you've had a good weekend! x

Sunday, 18 October 2009

OMG!! What a dive!!

I mentioned we were going to Ty Mawr for the weekend ........ and that it was a Park Resort ..... what I didn't know was that they can't spell or put their words the right way round. 'Park' - as we were in Wales - should have been spelt the Welsh way really ie. Parc. In addition it should have been spelt backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suppose we should have smelled a rat when the directions how to get there on their literature were wrong! When we arrived to check in we pointed this out and were told 'oh yes it should be this ....' only to realise later that they were wrong as well!

We were greeted at the entrance to the caravan with a pile of fag ends, a coathanger and a piece of broken pottery ...... (?)

Inside, my heart sank when I saw the bag of bedding thrown on the bench seat. I paid extra for bedding and of course should have realised I'd have to make the beds up but I hadn't thought. ... Ah well - I got on with it. Or tried to. We had 3 pillows and 3 quilts for 4 of us. As it happened my daughter didn't go in the end but they didn't know that. The pillows were easily folded in two and stayed that way on their own they were so thin. Daylight could be seen through 2 of them. We had 3 double quilts, but only 1 double quilt cover, the other 2 were singles.

The upholstery was stained and shabby. I'm no snob but it really was rough.

The 'resort' itself was the same - tired, neglected, rough, uncared for or about, it seemed.

The pub was an experience. One time when we went for a drink 6 people came and sat near to us and they didn't have a full set of teeth between them! The 2 women in the party didn't appear to have any at all! That, together with the greasy hair & shell suits may give you some idea of what it was like and was about the norm to be honest :o(

It was a bit embarrassing as this was supposed to be a break for my mother but, love her - she kept saying she thought it was fine. Fortunately she left her glasses off most of the time so that helped with her impressions everywhere.

The entertainment room was laid out like a bingo hall and as it happened we didn't end up going out in the evenings so can't comment on that. The whole ambiance didn't inspire us to explore any further unfortunately.

Still - mum enjoyed the trip down memory lane - Towyn, Rhyl, Abergele, Prestatyn, Ffrith Beach, Meliden, Dyserth and on the way back Talacre all inspired memories from when they were the old stomping grounds for her and dad. So I guess the trip served it's purpose.

I managed to gain about 5lbs though I think, so I'm now trying to pull that back before going off to a little cottage in Montgomery for a week of solitude. My little retreat I'm calling it, where I'm hoping to clear my head of all it's clutter by doing a lot of writing so I can then come back ready for more!!

See you soon xx

Thursday, 8 October 2009

New Fitflops :o)

Well! Who'd a thunk it??!!

When I got home from babysitting yesterday there was a message on the answerphone from my bank - I had to ring them urgently. Apparently someone tried to use my debit card details, they'd picked it up and wanted to check it wasn't me before cancelling the card...... worrying!

All power to the Alliance & Leicester though for picking it up!

Trouble was the plan for today was to go to a shop in Chester - tying it in with a visit to my step-daughter - to try & hopefully buy some of the new Fitflops for the winter.

In case you dont know Fitflops are FAB. They are sooooo comfortable. They started off as toeposts only but you can now get open toed sandals as well - which I actually thought I might get for the winter because you could wear socks with them - you'd look a cut but the benefits far outweigh the embarrassment. When I'm in my Fitflops full time my chronic back pain magically disappears. In the winter though, in ordinary shoes, it gradually returns. Recently I saw an advert for Fitflop boots so thought I'd investigate. How fab to be able to wear them all year round now! The only drawback was that they're not very pretty. They're very like Ugs in fact :o( ... However! Though I couldn't make myself like any of the boots, they DID have just one pair of mules. Covered toes, open backs ... they were my size and they were brown - I had to have them. They weren't cheap at £66 but darling husband paid as I couldn't (I don't possess a credit card having had it taken off me a few years ago because I never used it. I cursed the Alliance & Leicester then but won't hear a bad word said about them ever again!)

So - with a bit of luck my bad back will now be a permanent thing of the past .... and with a bit more of said luck DH may forget I owe him £66!!!

Step-daughter has just started doing manicures, pedicures, make -up & stuff like that. So I had a lovely relaxing pedicure this afternoon too.

The only fly in the ointment today was a c**p lunch! This pub in Hoole has just been done up. I had a "blue cheese, avacado & walnut salad" that's exactly how it was worded. It was £6.25 and when it came it was in a little bowl - the 'salad' was just some leaves, there were about 3 pieces of walnut, a few crumbled bits of blue cheese and no avacado. When I asked I was told that the avacado was in the dressing .... ? I then asked if that was all they had to make a salad so he took it away and brought it back with a few pieces of tomato & 1 slivver each of green & red pepper. NOT to be recommended - although at least I didn't have to worry about it being fattening! LOL!

We're off to Ty Mawr in North Wales for the weekend. Taking my elderly mother for a short break. It's a Park Resort site. I hope it's not too cold!! ;o)

Talk soon :o) x

Monday, 5 October 2009


WehHeeeey!! :o)

2.8lbs of the 4.2 I've gained over the last few weeks has disappeared now! Dya know what I'm not sure why either!

Maybe it's because I've been consciously trying to have more substantial meals and I DO think I've picked less as a result. I've also been a bit more active. I've been 'swimming' weeeeel sort of ;o) ... walking ... had little grandsons to run round after. Hmmmmmm who knows?

In any case I'm off on the same lines this week. Been to the pool today, have those same grandsons tomorrow so maybe we'll be able to see if it's a trend!

Mind you we're away this weekend, so p'raps not. Just a weekend break for Mum really but it'll make a change.

Looking forward (NOT) to injections in my thumb joints Thursday morning. Hoping they'll sort out at least SOME of this pain!!

Age don't come on its' own .... better than the alternative the hubbie never tires of telling me ;o) xx

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Happy October! :o)

AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!! October already ... Who stole September??

Popped into my Lipotrim chemist yesterday to pick up some maintenance products. Got weighed and was quite pleased to find I've only put on 1.4lbs in the 6 weeks since I was last there. AND I've been on holiday AND it was afternoon not the usual first thing in the morning AND I had different clothes on.
I'm thinking maybe I've lost a little in the last couple of days YAY!!

Anyway ... today I've decided to try having more generous meals in the hope it might curb my picking! On the whole I've been having salads lately. This morning I put a half shoulder of lamb in the slow cooker with carrots & stock and had some of that tonight with half a baked sweet potato. I've also brought some to work.

But anyway - this isn't supposed to be a food diary .... or a weight diary for that matter so I'll shut up about that!

Maintaining is no walk in the park. I can't imagine a time when I'm relaxed and confident around food and what I eat and drink. OR a time when it isn't the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep ... I think that's called obsession!

When you're in the 'losing it' stage you tend to think when you get there everything will just somehow suddenly be okay. It's a bit of an eye opener to realise that it's only the beginning.

Funny thing is - it's not as if I haven't been at 'target' before. I have! Loads of times! Maybe the difference is that this time I haven't just relaxed and started back on the upward journey. Maybe this time I'm realising that these changes have to stay in place, that any gain has to be addressed immediately if it isn't to be the start of a slippery slope.

In some ways it's quite a depressing thought but as I'm supposed to be only looking at the positives I'll say that it's been 'a revelation that can only help in the long term' ;oP

They say it takes 5 years at target before you're thinking and acting like a slim person ..... Oh well - only 4 years and 8 months to go **big sigh** ....... Oooooo sorry - turning it to a positive .... errrrrrrrmmm "Only just over 4&1/2 years and I'll be FREEEEEEEEEE!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!" :oP xx