Thursday, 8 October 2009

New Fitflops :o)

Well! Who'd a thunk it??!!

When I got home from babysitting yesterday there was a message on the answerphone from my bank - I had to ring them urgently. Apparently someone tried to use my debit card details, they'd picked it up and wanted to check it wasn't me before cancelling the card...... worrying!

All power to the Alliance & Leicester though for picking it up!

Trouble was the plan for today was to go to a shop in Chester - tying it in with a visit to my step-daughter - to try & hopefully buy some of the new Fitflops for the winter.

In case you dont know Fitflops are FAB. They are sooooo comfortable. They started off as toeposts only but you can now get open toed sandals as well - which I actually thought I might get for the winter because you could wear socks with them - you'd look a cut but the benefits far outweigh the embarrassment. When I'm in my Fitflops full time my chronic back pain magically disappears. In the winter though, in ordinary shoes, it gradually returns. Recently I saw an advert for Fitflop boots so thought I'd investigate. How fab to be able to wear them all year round now! The only drawback was that they're not very pretty. They're very like Ugs in fact :o( ... However! Though I couldn't make myself like any of the boots, they DID have just one pair of mules. Covered toes, open backs ... they were my size and they were brown - I had to have them. They weren't cheap at £66 but darling husband paid as I couldn't (I don't possess a credit card having had it taken off me a few years ago because I never used it. I cursed the Alliance & Leicester then but won't hear a bad word said about them ever again!)

So - with a bit of luck my bad back will now be a permanent thing of the past .... and with a bit more of said luck DH may forget I owe him £66!!!

Step-daughter has just started doing manicures, pedicures, make -up & stuff like that. So I had a lovely relaxing pedicure this afternoon too.

The only fly in the ointment today was a c**p lunch! This pub in Hoole has just been done up. I had a "blue cheese, avacado & walnut salad" that's exactly how it was worded. It was £6.25 and when it came it was in a little bowl - the 'salad' was just some leaves, there were about 3 pieces of walnut, a few crumbled bits of blue cheese and no avacado. When I asked I was told that the avacado was in the dressing .... ? I then asked if that was all they had to make a salad so he took it away and brought it back with a few pieces of tomato & 1 slivver each of green & red pepper. NOT to be recommended - although at least I didn't have to worry about it being fattening! LOL!

We're off to Ty Mawr in North Wales for the weekend. Taking my elderly mother for a short break. It's a Park Resort site. I hope it's not too cold!! ;o)

Talk soon :o) x

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