Thursday, 29 October 2009

Still Playing Catch-Up!!

Hi There!
Well I was very disappointed with my weigh in before I went off to Wales on 19th! I showed a gain of 1.6lbs. I rationalised it with the fact that I was weighing after only 2.5hrs sleep so it couldn't really have been a true of the bigger picture over the week.

If I was disappointed then imagine how I felt when - after a week being really good despite being away AND when I'd got weighed the night before and by my calculations this morning that should have converted into a 2lb loss ... to only be 0.2lb less! Not happy is THE understatement. Consequently I'm having a bit of an eating crisis I'm afraid. I'm not going to list all I've had - although I probably should, OR the whys and wherefores of every morsel .... I don't want to make any negative associations.

So - once again I'm on the catch-up trail :o(

Makes me wonder if this is how naturally thin people maintain. Overindulging and then compensating or do they automatically curb their eating and therefore not do any 'damage' in the first place? It'd be interesting to understand what comes naturally.

On a lighter note - I had a FABULOUS time at my little retreat cottage in Montgomery. It was exactly what I needed. I had lots of long walks and did all the writing - (and therefore clearing of the head!) that I wanted to - and a bit more besides!

Now I'm looking forward to Las Vegas & San Francisco starting Monday! Can't believe I'll ever be ready but I'm sure I will.

Revisited GP re right hand/arm tonight. She doesn't think it's carpal tunnel as I did. She thinks it's tennis elbow (!!! I ASK you!!! :):)) I'm going for a blood test to rule out infection in the joint and an xray in the morning.

Just hope I can stay in control .... too long without sleep = very very weak willed.

Talk soon xx

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